July 2024

Hope In Action

Meet Rebecca* – Ray of Hope’s student placement at our Live-In Treatment program. Fifteen years ago, at only thirteen years old, Rebecca began her journey of transformation at Ray of Hope.  

Rebecca’s Story 

*Rebecca’s name has been changed for confidentiality. The meaning of Rebecca reflects strength, endurance, and resilience—a fitting choice for those who overcome challenges in life 

At just thirteen years old, Rebecca started to make unhealthy choices. She began using drugs, influenced by her friend group to make decisions she never thought she would make. She recalls walking down King Steet in Kitchener alone as a 14-year-old girl and having no fear. As time went on her life spiraled out of control. Expelled from school as a young teen, she reports being at rock bottom. 

But then she came to Ray of Hope Youth Support Services Day Treatment – a place where lives are transformed. Day Treatment is a structured program for youth with addictions. The program offered support during school hours, providing a safe environment for Rebecca to work through her emotions and experiences. Treatment was difficult, but with the help of on-site therapists and a supportive community around her, she found she was able to process the pain in her life and make healthy choices. 

“I was a handful,” Rebecca admits. She sneaked away from the program, testing the boundaries more than once. But the staff and fellow participants gently came alongside her, understanding her struggle.  

Day Treatment introduced Rebecca to the Serenity Prayer. This had a big impact on both her and her family. Saying it every day helped to remind her to focus on the things that she could control.  

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,the courage to change the things I can,and the wisdom to know the difference. 

Two defining moments changed the direction of Rebecca’s life. The first was the loss of someone she deeply cared for—an overdose, a wake-up call. The second was a family meeting at Day Treatment when she realized how much her decisions affected her parents. She became aware of how much they worried about her and cared deeply for her. Seeing their pain became her motivation to make positive changes in her life. 

When asked what advice she would give her younger self if she could go back in time, her response was “Respect your elders, pay attention to life’s threads.” Rebecca began to find hope. Today, fifteen years later, she stands on the other side. She obtained high school credits, pursued Personal Support Worker training, and earned her Child and Youth certification. Now, she is just beginning a student placement back at Ray of Hope not as a client, but as a helper in training for those with similar struggles she had. 

We asked Rebecca what is motivating her now to help others. “I have been through it, and I made it out. I have learned to love helping people. I don’t want my kids to go through the same thing.” 

Rebecca has a message to any youth who reads this: “If you are in the thick of addiction, and have come to a place of wanting out, stick it out. It may really suck, but just stick it out.” 

During our interview, Rebecca mentioned several staff members by name who had a lasting impact on her. We are privileged to be a stop on her journey and thrilled to be connected again! To Rebecca, we say: Press on: We’re rooting for you. 

For anyone out there facing their darkest moments—whether it’s addiction, mental health struggles, or other challenges— change is possible. 

Rebecca’s journey reminds us that even when life gets really difficult, there is support available. Find the people who will help you up when you fall, who will see your pain and offer healing.   

Remember, you are not alone. Ray of Hope is here to help. To learn more about our Youth Support Services including Live-in Treatment and Caregiver Support, see: rayofhope.net/yss 

Celebrating the 2024 Ray of Hope Golf Classic

The 2024 Ray of Hope Golf Classic took place on Monday, June 17, 2024. One hundred golfers and eighteen sponsors raised over $40,000 for our Youth Support Services. A special shout-out to our Gold, Silver, Bronze Sponsors, Starbucks for serving coffee and lemonade, Innovative Ink for printing our signs, and Rebel Creek Golf for hosting us.

Lunch Sponsor




Marketplace Needs

You can help make life a little easier for people in our community who are struggling with food insecurity and other challenges. Thank you!

We have a special need for these items:

  • Hygiene items – razors, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, soap, deodorant, toilet paper, etc.
  • Food for Marketplace – school-safe snacks, canned beans, canned veggies, pasta sauce, canned fruit, cereals, baking items, etc.
  • Baby items – diapers size 2-5, formula, baby food

For more information, please contact us at donations@rayofhope.net.



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